Creative Journaling Tips To Capture Your Best Thoughts And Ideas - MIKOL

Creative Journaling Tips To Capture Your Best Thoughts And Ideas

March 19, 2018

Technology may make capturing life’s moments easier, but a selfie or a short video can never compare to putting a pen to a piece of paper and preserving those memories and ideas. Research has found that people best express their personalities through language, whether spoken or written. Moreover, the study found that expressive writing can have mental and emotional healing benefits. It’s no wonder why there are still so many people who practice journaling to this day—not only is it a productive way to spend your free time, but it can also be a soothing way to record the thoughts and ideas that go through your mind.

If you have yet to start journaling, the first thing that you have to do is to pick out a journal that you’ll look forward to using every single day. Mikol’s Carrara White Marble notebook, which has fine paper and features front and back covers made of real marble stone, is one such quality journal that deserves your most precious thoughts. If you’re struggling to express yourself with words, don’t fret—there are other ways to interpret your thoughts on paper. Here are a few creative journaling tips to capture your best thoughts and ideas.

Draw in your journal

If you’re not great with words but are an absolute whiz at drawing or painting, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t do so whenever you’re journaling. Whether you’re still learning how to draw florals like roses or if you can already do lifelike illustrations, adding personal artwork to your journals can help you convey what you’re feeling while you’re recording your memories and ideas. Use colored pencils or fine-tipped markers to color your drawings. You can also use gel pens to add details to your work.

Make a collage

If you’re fond of making collages, then try cutting and pasting pictures from glossy magazines into your journals. Doing so can help you show your future self whatever it is that you’re into at the moment. Whether it’s new food recipes that you’re currently obsessed with, photography techniques that you have to try, or even if it’s just pictures of your favorite singers or actors, making a collage reminds your future self of the things that captured your attention at a certain point in time.

Make it your own

Some people tend to treat their journals as precious items, refusing to let anything mark the pages. As a result, these journals may fail to capture true memories and ideas, which is a shame because that’s what journaling is all about! Don’t be afraid to make your journal your own—put stickers on it, paste ticket stubs and pictures on it, press real flowers on the pages. Don’t panic if you accidentally drop a tiny bit of coffee on one of the pages. Instead, make it part of your artwork and document what happened the day of the accidental coffee splotch.

The best thing about journaling is that the most spontaneous and random things that you add to the pages of your blank notebook or journal may be the best things that you can have on it. Try these tips to capture your best thoughts and ideas on paper in creative ways.


Freelance Writer: Jane Sandwood

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