As any luxury fashion product, it is handled with love and care. MIKOL cases are not 100% drop proof, but they do provide a certain protection. Being made of natural materials, your case may not survive an impact. This is true of any case marble product. The cases will protect your iPhone and iPad from normal wear and tear, but it is not guaranteed against drops of any kind. For cases that break from being dropped, we offer our
Warranty Program. Because natural material varies greatly, sometimes the case survives really harsh drops onto concrete, other times they break from the slightest drop onto carpet. This depends on the unpredictable chance of where it hits and the variation in the material. This is why we say our cases won't survive drops, even though they often do. Although we cannot guarantee it, there have been numerous incidents where iPhones and iPads have been saved by our case. Like a motorcycle helmet, it might break in a crash, but it will save your iPhone or iPad's life.