January 18, 2022
We are super excited to introduce you the world's first REAL MARBLE minimalist wallets!!!
Each marble piece is unique, a living stone created by nature over millions of years. Marble is, comfort, pleasure, a link to the earth, pure and simple.
Originally our team at MIKOL wanted to create a new line of wallets. But after researching the market, we discovered there are plenty of functional minimalist wallets. However, there weren't really any fashionable, luxury ones. It was catered more to a crowd that cared only about functionality.
So what about the crowd that likes the simple functionality, but also cared about how fashionable it was? This is where it got us excited! We wanted to create a stunning marble line, with well designed geometric shapes of beauty. At the same time also be functional and easy to use!
We know many minimalist wallet companies will state the benefit of these wallets over traditional ones and vice versa. In our case, we like both styles and believe it can be an additional option to use! Just like watches! Most men like to switch between different watch styles.
And before people, you think these marble wallets well break or shatter, let's think about what century we are in! With technology, we have made these marble minimalist wallets drop-proof.
Same technology as our marble poker cards which WuwuLife will demonstrate in the video.
Now that you see it's totally possible to be functional, let's go with the benefits of a minimalist marble wallet:
As a lifestyle fashion accessory brand, style is really important to us. And people who have followed us know that we absolutely love marble styled fashion! It ensures every wallet is always different and the owner who carries it truly owns that style.
Also, who else do you know owns a real marble wallet?
Aside from the marble features, we've designed the cutouts to be aesthetically pleasing to the design community as well as functional. Each ridge allows your thumb to comfortably push up your credit cards and has an opening at the top to easily pull out whichever card you desire to use.
You'll love the sleek design as well as the feel of the marble. It's an item that will catch attention whenever you use it.
If you want to go for a drink with friends, the gym, grocery store or just simply don't want to carry too much on you. These minimalist wallets are perfect! Slip in your driver's license, bank card, couple credit cards, some cash and you're ready to go.
They can fit in your back pocket, front pocket, jacket pocket, suit pocket and so on. The point is, it's compact, easy to fit anywhere and not bulky. You can fit 6 ~ 15 cards if you really want. Don't forget to add a signature engraving onto your wallet to make it extra special when you're out.
I'm sure you noticed guys tend to pull out their wallets when they are sitting down and place them on the table. This is because bulky wallets are uncomfortable when sitting down. It also causes pain in your lower back/hips over time. Most men don't seem to realize what is causing their back pains. Sitting on an inclined surface for a good fraction of your life takes a serious toll on your hip and spinal alignment. This is why the MIKOL minimalist marble wallets are great to fit in your front pocket.
Every wallet has its own feature and benefit. But as a minimalist wallet, it really is just so much easier to use. Cash in front, and pick out whatever card you want to use. Put it back and slip back into your pocket. This area should be pretty self-explanatory.
We would say, just give it a try and if you don't like it, we will it take back for a full refund within 15 days of purchase.
Good thing, most people just fall in love with it when they first see it. =)
Take a piece of the world with you.
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