June 14, 2018
Long distance relationships are growing in number every day, especially for work-related reasons. Approximately 14 million people in the US today are in a long distance relationship, and 75% of all engaged couples have, at some point, been in a long-distance relationship. We live in a world where travel has become not just convenient, but also the norm. With our iPhones, it's been easier to connect through text, facetime, email, etc. At the same time, it's also put distance in our relationships.
As humans, we have always learned to adapt to times. And even though we may be far apart with a loved one, there are many ways to still stay connected. The wonderful gesture of gift giving can make it easier for your long-term relationship to work. Giving gifts can strengthen the bond with your significant other and create strong emotions. This has even been shown to have psychological benefits. The perfect gift becomes a reminder of the perfect relationship, a gift which your significant other can enjoy even if you are not there all the time. Choose something special, unforgettable and make it personal in a way that really represents what your partner means to you.
A Marble Notebook
MIKOL's marble notebooks are truly one of a kind. There are many ordinary notebooks available but chances are, notebooks made of real marble are really hard to find. A notebook which is this special can be a perfect tool for journaling; you could even share the notebook with your partner and send it back and forth. After all, journaling is a great way to tell your significant other your feelings and how you are coping each day. You can journal in any notebook but a beautiful and resistant notebook, such as a marble notebook, makes for a wonderful writing experience and will allow the writer to cherish the memories for years and years to come. A notebook is made to be used often so this gift will certainly make a lasting impression; your partner is sure to think lovingly of you every time they use the notebook.
And I know many of you think email will be faster and more convenient. But there is something about holding a journal, writing in one and knowing that someone poured their hearts in there while flipping through the pages.
If you choose to journal with your partner, know that this can turn into a wonderful communication exercise; a recent study actually suggests that people in long-distance relationships have better communication because they build the right intimacy by writing and saying lovely things to each other. As you journal, be honest about your fears and insecurities. Don't hold back if you need to write about jealousy or anything else you are feeling. Hiding things from your partner will only push you apart. Being open and honest with each other, on the other hand, will bring you closer together and help you support each other. A marble notebook filled with memories written by both of you will serve as a wonderful keepsake for the future and will also remind you of how lucky you are to have each other.
You can also engrave each other's name on the marble, or label them by each destination, time period that you desire.
A Marble Phone Accessory
Since you are in a long distance relationship, you are probably going to be using your phone a lot to communicate. A wireless marble charger is a perfect gift as it's both practical and stylish. This way, your partner's phone will always be fully charged. Every time your partner charges their phone, they will think about you and how they can't wait to hear from them. Furthermore, not many people have wireless chargers and they can do wonders for productivity, something your partner will thank you for!
Another wonderful gift could be a tablet or phone protector in a new, exciting and stylish material such as marble. It's elegant and luxurious and represents both innovation and timeless tradition at the same time. It's also a gift that your partner will probably always have with him or her, a constant reminder of how important the relationship is.
Long-distance relationships aren't easy but they can work. Even when things get complicated or you're feeling lonely, learn to see the distance as both a journey and a test for the relationship. This experience and the unique gifts you cherish will bind you and your partner together in a stronger, more intimate way.
Guest Writer: Jane Sandwood
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