March 28, 2016
2016 is the year where we become more in touch with nature. As summer is just around the corner, it is that time of year to start cleaning out the closet and make room for new trends. Today I will be exploring the summer color trends of 2016. As the environment plays a vital role in our daily lives and with the growing focus on environmental sustainability, the color trends of this summer is precisely just that.
Forest Green
Forest green is like being lost in a jungle then suddenly spotting a way out; it’s dark with a hint of light. This color holds deep knowledge and wisdom and if you’re looking to stand out in a sophisticated way, then this color is for you.
Deep Ocean Blue
Deep ocean blue has a tranquilizing effect. If you’re going for a calm gentleman look then this is for you. This color underscores elegance and class- not too flashy but not too dark. It’s an easy color to blend with!
Did you know that khaki means earth in Persian? A growing trend for this summer is khaki tan. Behind this mellow color is dominance. This color is no longer just suitable in the pants category but is now a fashion trend for tops, shirts, and jackets. Looking for a boost in confidence? This is the summer color for you!
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