Blogging is a very popular activity these days. It's important to have a notebook you'll be sure to use. How many of you are guilty of buying notebooks that end up being tossed to the side and never found. Whenever you have that moment of clarity and want to jot down post ideas, you need a go-to place to record all these ideas. It's always helpful to have several notebooks in file. However, as humans, we are lazy, forgetful or something just comes up! At least have one notebook you will be sure to keep around and use for all your important note taking. This will also help you build good habits.
This is why MIKOL notebooks include lined, blank and grid-paper for versatility. You can use the lined or grid section of the notebook to track your everyday expense throughout the day. There is a pocket in the back, where you can easily store receipts.
If you're an artist and love to sketch out ideas, images, or whatever your creative mind explores then flip over to the blank page section. Plenty of pages for you to create beautiful imagery. If you go through notebooks pretty quickly, it may be wise to engrave each journal's cover for recording keeping purposes. For instance: "Volume I, Volume II, Volume III" etc.
If you're like me and don't like carrying a lot of items with you to the coffee shop, then there is a great solution for you. I usually slip my credit card, cash and some other cards I use into the pocket of the notebook. I grab my pen, keys and iPhone and I'm good to go!
You can use your MIKOL notebooks to list our your daily tasks. Or use it to keep track of your workout routines. This should be pretty straightforward
The lined section is great to keep track of your monthly schedules. A notebook is a tool that assists you with your daily activities. But building those good habits are more important. Why create a real marble notebook journal just for its luxurious aesthetics? Because it will grab your attention, it will stand out from a pile of regular notebooks that you forget to use. People are naturally drawn to beautiful and different. It's also designed to be a reminder.
Most of the photos we have are digital right now. But you may receive little photo booth pictures or polaroids that you can clip onto your pages. Glue works as well.
If you're a businessman that attends lot of meetings, trade shows, conventions, etc. MIKOL notebooks come in really handy! Paperclip your contacts business card along with notes to refer back to after the show. After meeting hundreds of people for a week, how many will you really remember? Another added bonus is the customer you speak with will definitely remember your notebook. Great conversation starter as well.
As mentioned above, having a nice notebook with engraved titles is a great "hand me down". Create volumes of different family moments. Or it could be a record keeping journal of important family information such as birthdays, medical information, addresses of doctors, dentists, and other service providers; favorite colors, foods, and other faves.
Even more important information; bank account, insurance, and auto VIN numbers; and so on.
Leave out the passwords and social security numbers — if it ever got misplaced or stolen, you don’t want any information that could leave you vulnerable.
I'm sure many of your high school teachers have suggested keeping a book journal.
I find it very helpful to jot down important information from mentors, business books, self-help books, etc.
It's a way for me to summarize what's important to me and keep as a daily reminder as well.
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